Tooltips are floating labels that briefly explain the function of a user interface element. They can be triggered when merchants hover, focus, tap, or click.
Tooltip component examples
Use only when necessary to provide an explanation for an interface element.
import {Tooltip, Text} from '@shopify/polaris';
import React from 'react';
function TooltipExample() {
return (
<div style={{padding: '75px 0'}}>
<Tooltip active content="This order has shipping labels.">
<Text fontWeight="bold" as="span">
Order #1001
- children?React.ReactNode
The element that will activate to tooltip.
- contentReact.ReactNode
The content to display within the tooltip.
- active?boolean
Toggle whether the tooltip is visible.
- hoverDelay?number
Delay in milliseconds while hovering over an element before the tooltip is visible.
- dismissOnMouseOut?boolean
Dismiss tooltip when not interacting with its children.
- preferredPosition?'above' | 'below' | 'mostSpace' | 'cover'
The direction the tooltip tries to display.
Defaults to 'above'.
- activatorWrapper?string
The element type to wrap the activator in.
Defaults to 'span'.
- accessibilityLabel?string
Visually hidden text for screen readers.
- width?'default' | 'wide'
Width of content.
Defaults to 'default'.
- padding?'default' | Extract<SpaceScale, '400'>
Padding of content.
Defaults to 'default'.
- borderRadius?"100" | "200"
Border radius of the tooltip.
Defaults to '200'.
- zIndexOverride?number
Override on the default z-index of 400.
- hasUnderline?boolean
Whether to render a dotted underline underneath the tooltip's activator.
- persistOnClick?boolean
Whether the tooltip's content remains open after clicking the activator.
- onOpen?() => void
- onClose?() => void
Best practices
Tooltips should:
- Provide useful, additional information or clarification.
- Succinctly describe or expand on the element they point to.
- Be provided for icon-only buttons or a button with an associated keyboard shortcut.
- Not be used to communicate critical information, including errors in forms or other interaction feedback.
- Not contain any links or buttons.
- Be used sparingly. If you’re building something that requires a lot of tooltips, work on clarifying the design and the language in the experience.
Content guidelines
Basic tooltips
Tooltips should:
- Be written in sentence case
- Be concise and scannable
- Not be used to communicate error messages or important account information
Post reach is the number of people who have seen your post in their News Feed.
To continue using Shopify, this amount must be paid immediately.
Related components
- To make helpful content more visible to merchants, use the help text portions of form components such as text fields, footer help, or an inline link to help