
The loading component is used to indicate to merchants that a page is loading or an upload is processing.


This component is no longer supported. Please use the App Bridge Loading API instead.

Loading component examples

Use to indicate that the page is loading.

import {Frame, Loading} from '@shopify/polaris';
import React from 'react';

function LoadingExample() {
  return (
    <div style={{height: '100px'}}>
        <Loading />

Required components

The loading component must be wrapped in the frame component.

Best practices

The loading component should:

  • Indicate that the page requested is loading.
  • Indicate that an upload has started and the action will soon complete.
  • Be used to give feedback for an entire page load or a page mutation like saving a product.
  • Be used alongside a component or page element that contains aria-busy to represent what is loading.


The loading component is implemented using the ARIA 1.1 progressbar pattern. It outputs an ARIA role="progressbar" and uses aria-valuemin, aria-value-max, and aria-valuenow to convey the loaded percentage to screen reader users.