New features

Help merchants discover new and impactful features.

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As the Shopify admin UI continues to evolve, it's natural for teams to want to draw attention to new features and improvements. However, we strongly advise against using "new" badges or blue pips to highlight these additions within individual sections like Products, Orders, and Customers.

When to highlight new features

Features should have all 3 of the following characteristics before highlighting them to merchants with a New Badge or PIP:

  • Shopify wants to drive adoption of this feature because it has high business value
  • It’s creating new and outsized value for merchants (not just an improved way of doing something they are already doing)
  • It’s worth distracting merchants from their current workflow to inform them about a whole new part of Shopify

Things that generally meet this criteria are large and impactful. Examples could be entire new pages in settings or the introduction of an entirely new technology or capability.

What we want to avoid


Different teams might use different methods to highlight features, leading to an inconsistent experience for merchants.

Visual clutter

Over time, the admin UI may become cluttered with numerous badges and pips, making it difficult for merchants to focus on their primary tasks.

Ways to bring feature awareness

New Badge

  • Use the informational badge variant to achieve the correct styling and color
  • The badge should be right aligned or placed to the right of text
  • The page component in Polaris already places badges to the right of headings, so following this logic brings consistency to the admin.


A pip can be used to highlight a status or new element in a list. For example, it could be placed next to a new notification in a list of notifications. It should not be used for representing new features.

How long should merchants see a New Badge or PIP

They should have a short lifespan. The badge should disappear:

  • When the user has clicked on the interactive element it’s attached to, or
  • 5 days after they first saw it, or
  • after 3 sessions, such as landing on a page 3 times