
For anyone who writes for the admin



Lay out address forms in the following format:

First name             Last name
Apartment, suite, etc. (optional)
Country            Province           Postal code

Please note, “optional” in Apartment, suite, etc. (optional) means that the field is optional for customers to complete, but we should always include it in the form.

  • Use locale-specific alternatives for province and postal code, for example, the US uses State and ZIP code
  • Add extra fields
  • Change the placeholder text

Country, province, and state names

Use a nation’s proper name when referring to it as a noun.


Your store must be located in the United States.


Your store must be located in the US.

When using a country as an adjective (such as when referring to currency), use the abbreviated form without punctuation.


Pinterest requires your store to use US currency.


U.S. currency

Things to watch for:

  • Don’t use colloquial forms of a nation or state name, for example, America instead of the United States
  • Search online to see whether nations commonly use “the” before their name, for example, the Philippines or the Falkland Islands


Use sentence case (capitalize the first word only) for:

  • Headings
  • Subheadings
  • Buttons
  • Card titles
  • Email subject lines

Create purchase order


Create Purchase Order


  • Proper or trademarked nouns (names of products/brands, countries, people)
  • Product names unique to Shopify
  • Job titles when they come before or after a person’s name
  • Shopify Payments
  • Jane Smith, Content Strategist
  • shopify balance
  • Jane Smith, content strategist

Use lowercase for:

  • Features or product terms not unique to Shopify
  • Job titles without a name associated with them
  • First letter following a /
  • blogs, navigation, admin, page
  • The content strategist designed this
  • ZIP/postal code
  • Blogs, Navigation, Admin, Page
  • The Content Strategist designed this
  • ZIP/Postal code


Use contractions—they’re short and conversational


Can't, it’s, you’re, doesn’t


Can not, it is, you are, does not



When in doubt, don’t bold.

Use bold sparingly and only where strong emphasis is required. Don’t use bold to create a heading or emphasize:

  • Proper nouns
  • Merchant input
  • Checkbox titles

After your first sale, PayPal will email you at with instructions.


Are you sure you want to delete Sunset T-shirt?


Headings and subheadings are titles and subtitles that refer to sections of the interface.

Basic structure

Headings and subheadings should be:

Informative and descriptive:

  • Highlight the most important concept or piece of information for merchants
  • Help merchants understand what they’ll find in the section below

Concise and scannable:

  • Use simple, clear language
  • Keep headings to a single sentence
  • Avoid using punctuation such as periods, commas, or semicolons
  • Write in sentence case (capitalize the first word and proper nouns only)
  • Whether or not to use articles (“the,” “a,” “an”) in headings and subheadings depends on the type of message.
  • Online store dashboard
  • Custom reports
  • Sell your products in person
  • This is your online store dashboard
  • Custom Reports
  • Sell your products in person!

Conversational headings

For more conversational areas of the product, like Home cards, sell pages, and empty states, use articles. It makes the language more approachable and helps people to understand new, complex concepts.

  • Secure your account with two-step authentication
  • Two-step authentication

Avoid links if possible:

  • Links add clutter and make things feel less like software, more like an old-fashioned webpage
  • Merchants are already in the habit of visiting the help center or using sidekick if they have Qs, so building links into the interface is rarely necessary

If you have to point merchants to added info:

  • Never use “click here” or “here” for link text
  • For added info that it’s essential for most merchants to know, use the info icon (for short, stand-alone info), an embedded link (within the flow of an existing sentence), or a “learn more” link (for longer, multi-faceted info)
  • If you have to include “learn more” links, avoid having more than one per screen
  • Keep punctuation outside the link unless the link is a stand-alone sentence (exception: question marks)



Use a bulleted list when items are related but sequence or priority doesn’t matter. Introduce the list with a full sentence and a colon.

Capitalize the first word of the bullet.


Using Shopify Payments in your store provides the following benefits:

  • Avoids the hassle of setting up a third-party payment gateway
  • Tracks your payout schedule from the Shopify admin
  • Minimizes lost sales from chargebacks

Use Shopify payments to

  • avoid the hassle of setting up a gateway,
  • track pending payout schedule,
  • minimize lost sales from chargebacks. And eliminate PCI fees

If at least one of the bullet points requires a period due to having two sentences, then include punctuation on all the bullets. Avoid lists that have both single words and sentences as bullet points.


You can add a custom domain to your store in the following ways:

  • Buying the domain directly though your Shopify store.
  • Buying the domain through a third-party provider and then pointing it to your Shopify store.
  • Transferring the domain from another Shopify store to your Shopify store. You must be the account owner of the other Shopify store.
  • Transferring the domain from a third-party domain provider to your Shopify store.

You can add a custom domain to your store in the following ways:

  • Buying the domain from Shopify
  • Transferring. This can take up to 48 hours.
  • Buying the domain from a third party, and then pointing the domain to your Shopify store


Use a numbered list when item sequence or priority does matter. Introduce the list with a full sentence and a colon.

If at least one of the numbered bullet points requires a period due to having two sentences, then include punctuation on all the bullets. Avoid lists that have both single words and sentences as bullet points.

Capitalize the first word of the bullet.


When checking out from your online store, the customer goes through the following steps:

  1. Adds the products that they want to purchase to their cart
  2. Goes to the cart page and proceeds to the checkout
  3. Enters their shipping details
  4. Enters their payment details
  5. Confirms and places the order

When checking out from your online store, the customer:

  1. adds the products that they want to purchase to their cart. This could be one or many products.
  2. goes to the cart page and proceeds to the checkout
  3. enters their shipping details
  4. enters their payment details
  5. confirms and places the order

Actions in a menu

Menu lists give users a horizontal set of actions when space is limited. The order of actions is often based on logic, such as most popular actions.

Actions in a menu follow a {verb}+{noun} pattern. If there’s enough context, only a verb might be required.

  • Rename
  • Edit
  • HTML
  • Duplicate
  • HTML
  • editing options
  • File name changes
  • Duplicate this order so that you can make edits, updates, or changes

Nouns in a menu

Menu lists give users a horizontal set of nouns when space is limited. The order of nouns is often based on logic, such as most recent orders.

Nouns in a menu should be concise, but still give the user enough information so that they can easily find and accurately select the item that they want.


Select filter

  • Today
  • Yesterday
  • This week
  • This month
  • Filter visibility
  • Filter product type
  • Filter product vendor
  • Filter tagged with


  • List items always start with a capital letter.
  • Capitalization and punctuation rules apply to both bulleted and numbered lists.

Company name

  • Hidden
  • Optional
  • Required

Company name

  • hidden
  • optional
  • required

Punctuation in lists

  • Introduce bulleted lists with a colon or a heading.
  • Don’t use commas at the end of list items (for bulleted or numbered lists).
  • If any list item contains two or more sentences, punctuate all list items.
  • If all list items are one sentence or fragments, don’t punctuate. This doesn't apply to procedural steps, which should end with punctuation.
  • Never put a comma or semicolon at the end of a bulleted or numbered list item.
  • Treat each list item as a self-contained piece of information.

Numbers, dates, and currency


Use numerals

  • 9
  • 100
  • You have 5 orders to fulfill.
  • nine
  • one hundred
  • You have five orders to fulfill.

Use commas for numbers with four or more digits. Avoid shortening numbers.

  • 12,000
  • 12 k

Use hyphens when writing phone numbers. Don’t use brackets, spaces, periods, or plus signs:

  • 1-514-555-1234
  • 613.555.1234
  • 1-(514)-555-1234

For number ranges, use an en dash without a space on either side

  • 5–10 products
  • October 15–31
  • 5 – 10 products
  • October 15 – 31

For undefined upward ranges, use “and up” or “or more”

  • $50.00 and up
  • 100 or more
  • $50.00+
  • >100

For downward ranges, be specific.




$50.00 or less


Use the month’s full name. If there isn’t enough space, use 3-letter abbreviations. Don’t write dates with numerals only.

  • December 11, 2024
  • Dec 11, 2024
  • Oct 15, 2015
  • December 11, ’24
  • 12/11/24

Don’t use ordinal indicators, which are words representing position or rank in a sequential order (1st, 2nd, 3rd, and so on).


January 23–April 1


January 23rd–April 1st

Note: Dates, numbers, and measurements are often formatted automatically according to users’ local preferences, and they may be formatted differently in other languages. These guidelines are for manually formatting in American English, which we use as a base before translating to other languages.


For all translations, the time format is automatically localized by the Intl.DateTimeFormat JavaScript object. When time must be formatted manually, follow these guidelines:

  • Use the 12-hour clock, followed by am or pm
  • Include a space after the last number. For example, “Your package will arrive at 12:35 pm.”
  • Use the browser time of the logged in user
  • To show a time range, use an en dash and include the am/pm after both times, for example, 3:00 pm–4:00 pm
  • If indicating both the date and time, separate them with the word “at” instead of a comma

Time zones

  • Include a time zone only if it’s necessary, such as for an event listing.
  • Use the time zone’s abbreviation following the am or pm, for example, 4:00 pm NZT.
  • If your audience is in a single time zone, then don’t include an S (for Standard) or D (for Daylight). For example, 3:00 pm PT.
  • If your audience is in a combination of time zones, then include the S (for Standard) or D (for Daylight) to avoid confusion. For example, 3:00 pm PDT.

Thursday, October 15, 2015 at 2:00 pm EDT


2015-10-15, CDT 2:00P.M.

Use consistent timestamp formats by following these examples:

  • Less than 1 min: Just now
  • 1 min to 60 min: 13 minutes ago
  • Today: 10:30 am
  • Yesterday: Yesterday at 10:30 am
  • In the last 7 days: Friday at 10:30 am
  • 7 days to 1 year: Aug 14 at 10:30 am
  • More than 1 year: Aug 14, 2016
  • Less than 1 min: 10:30am
  • 1 min to 60 min: 10:30am
  • Today: Today, 10:30am
  • Yesterday: Friday, 10:30am
  • In the last 7 days: Friday, 10:30am
  • 7 days to 1 year: 10:30am, Oct 15, 2015
  • More than 1 year: Last year


When including currency with a price, the currency comes after the dollar amount. Learn more about formatting localized currency.

  • $10,000 USD
  • USD$10,000

Units of measurement

Include a space between the number and the unit.

  • 3.4 lb
  • 2 kg
  • 1 cm
  • 11.875 × 3.375 × 13.625 cm
  • 3.4lb
  • 2kg
  • 1.875 × 3.375 × 13.625cm

Don't pluralize unit of measurement.

  • 4 lb
  • 11 ml
  • 4 lbs
  • 11 mls

For multiple measurements in a row, put the unit of measurement at the end.

  • 11.875 × 3.375 × 13.625 cm
  • 1.875 cm × 3.375 cm × 13.625 cm

For pricing by measurement, don’t add a space before or after a slash.

  • $100/m
  • $5/100 g
  • $100/ m
  • $5/ 100g

Use decimals instead of fractions.

  • 2.375 lb
  • 11.875 × 3.375 × 13.625 cm
  • 2-3/8 lb
  • 11-7/8 × 3-3/8 × 13-5/8 cm

Unit of measurement abbreviations

This table shows the standard abbreviations for commonly-used units of measurement.

Use the imperial system for the United States, Liberia, and Myanmar, and use the metric system for all other countries.

AreaMetricsquare meters
Imperialsquare feetsq ft
Image resolutionUniversalpixelspx
Universalpixels per inchppi
Universaldots per inchdpi
Storage sizeUniversalkilobytesKB
Imperialfluid ouncesfl oz

Pronouns (you, us)

Addressing merchants

Always refer to merchants as “you.” Don’t speak for merchants with phrases that use “I” or “my.”


Change your email address in your Profile.


Change your email address in My Profile.

In some cases (such as getting merchant consent or granting permissions) you should refer to merchants as “I.”


I agree to the terms and conditions


Referring to Shopify

Always refer to Shopify as “we,” but avoid inserting Shopify into the content as much as possible (except when a human is taking action, such as reviewing a request).


Pinterest Buyable Pins will be available in the coming weeks.


We’re making Pinterest Buyable Pins available in the coming weeks.



Don’t use ampersands (&). They attract attention to the least important part of the sentence. Spell out the word “and.”


Zones and rates


Zones & rates


Use apostrophes to represent omitted letters or numbers:

  • Omitted numbers (’40s)
  • Omitted letters (don’t, can’t, won’t)
  • Verb contractions (it’s, you’re, we’re)

Use apostrophes to form possessives:

  • Singular nouns: add ’s, even if they end in s (merchant’s, bus’s)
  • Plural nouns that don’t end in s: add ’s (women’s, men’s)
  • Plural nouns that end in s: add an apostrophe (boxes’, customers’)

Don’t use apostrophes to form possessive pronouns such as hers or his.

  • Merchant’s store
  • Women’s clothing
  • Customers’ credit cards
  • Merchants store
  • Womens clothing
  • Customers credit cards

Always use apostrophes, not vertical (straight) quotes.

  • option + shift + ]
  • '


Avoid using colons in sentences. If you need to use one, don’t capitalize the first word after the colon unless it’s a proper noun.


Your store accepts payments with GoCoin and Shopify Payments.


Your store accepts payments with: GoCoin and Shopify Payments.

Don’t use colons to introduce radio buttons or checkboxes.


If the customer abandons their checkout, send them an email reminder to complete their order


If the customer abandons their checkout, send them an email reminder to complete their order:

Introduce bulleted lists with a colon.


Correct the following payment information to continue:

  • The credit card verification value (CVV) doesn’t match the credit card
  • The billing address street doesn’t match the street for the credit card
  • The billing address ZIP or postal code doesn’t match the credit card address

Correct the following payment information to continue.

  • The credit card verification value (CVV) doesn’t match the credit card
  • The billing address street doesn’t match the street for the credit card
  • The billing address ZIP or postal code doesn’t match the credit card address


Use the oxford comma (also known as the serial comma) in sentences. There should be a comma after every list of 3 or more items (unless you’re using a bulleted or numbered list).


Kit is an app that handles your online advertising, email marketing, and social media.


Kit is an app that handles your online advertising, email marketing and social media.

Don’t use commas to separate bulleted or numbered list items.

  • The credit card verification value (CVV) doesn’t match the credit card
  • The billing address street doesn’t match the street for the credit card
  • The billing address ZIP or postal code doesn’t match the credit card address
  • The credit card verification value (CVV) doesn’t match the credit card,
  • The billing address street doesn’t match the street for the credit card,
  • The billing address ZIP or postal code doesn’t match the credit card address.


The ellipses (…) can be used in place of a missing piece of text (most commonly to show the deletion of words from a direct quotation). Avoid using ellipses in text.

Use ellipses for:

  • Truncation in the center of a title bar

Don’t use ellipses for:

  • Placeholder copy
  • Trailing off a sentence

Search files


Start typing to search for files…

Always use the ellipsis character, not three periods.


option +;



Consider constraints of the space in the interface when deciding to use truncation. Think about what part of the string merchants needs most. It’s usually the beginning or end, which means you might have to truncate the middle of the string.

Ellipses button component

A button with an ellipsis icon (not the same as text) is used to expand more actions. It’s typically used in cards, or for horizontal sets of actions when space is limited.

En-dashes and em-dashes

Use an en dash with no spaces in between (–) for a fixed range of numbers




2006 – 2013

Use an em dash only if you can’t make your message clearer by splitting it into two sentences. Use an em dash without a space on either side (—).


Choose your theme’s colors, typography, and pictures—all in one place.


Choose your theme’s design—colors, typography, and pictures—all in one place.

Depending on the font or appearance, you may want to include a hair space on either side of the en or em dash. HTML entity code for hair space is   or  .

Tip: On Mac the keyboard shortcuts are option - for en dash and shift option - for em dash.

Exclamation marks

Avoid exclamation marks—only use them for really really exciting things. If you absolutely have to, limit yourself to one exclamation mark per page.


You’ve launched your first online store!


You’ve updated your product title!


Use hyphens to:

  • Form compound modifiers: two words that combine to modify or describe the noun that follows
  • Start your free, no-risk, 14-day trial.
  • This is a high-risk order.
  • This order is high risk.
  • Add weight-based shipping rates.
  • Add rates based on the weight of an order.
  • Start your free, no risk, 14 day trial.
  • This is a high risk order.
  • This order is high-risk.
  • Add weight based shipping rates.
  • Join prefixes and suffixes only if there are two vowels beside each other. Never use hyphens in the words ecommerce and email.
  • Re-order
  • Resend
  • Reorder
  • Reenable
  • Re-send


  • Don't use periods in interface copy
  • If text includes 2 or more sentences, it's okay to use periods

Add products to collections so they're easy to find


Add products to collections so they're easy to find.

  • Use when a list item has two or more full sentences, then also add periods to the whole list
  • Use for the description or helper text below a bulleted or numbered list item
  • Don’t use periods when a list has only single sentences or fragments
  • Don’t use periods for lists of links

Question marks

Avoid question marks wherever possible. Reword into affirmative statements wherever you can, but there are exceptions:

It’s okay to use question marks if you don’t know the result of the question:

  • “Did you forget your password?”
  • “Do you need to add a shipping rate?”

Don’t use question marks if:

  • It’s the only option available: “Reset password”
  • It’s an on/off option: “Show quantity box”
  • Forgot?
  • Reset password?

Quotation marks

Use quotation marks to:

  • Define words (“growth-hacking”)
  • Quote text

When it’s helpful to the merchant, use quotation marks to indicate input that the merchant has provided, such as a product title or file name. Use this indication only when the input appears in running text.

  • Are you sure you want to delete “cat shirt”?
  • “Nike Air Max 90.png” failed to upload
  • Are you sure you want to delete cat shirt?
  • Nike Air Max 90.png failed to upload

In general, place commas and periods inside quotation marks. When working with literal strings like typed commands or merchant inputs, place punctuation outside the quotation marks.

  • “I see this all the time,” said Mary.
  • Avoid general words like “all,” “every,” or “most.”
  • To remove this item, type “DELETE”.
  • “I don’t understand why”, said Mitch.
  • We call it a “store”, not a “shop”.
  • There was an error with the file “cat_shirt.png.”

Always use smart (curly) quotes, not vertical (straight) quotes.

  • option + ]
  • option + shift + ]
  • option + [
  • option + shift + [
  • " or '


Avoid semicolons if possible. If you really need them, use semicolons to:

  • Connect two closely related ideas, as long as they are both independent clauses (full sentences that could stand on their own).
  • Replace a comma or the word “and” between two closely related ideas.

My friends made me banana pancakes on my birthday; I’ve never been happier.


The unicorn was hungry; the grass was brown.


American spelling

Use American spelling for all external-facing Shopify content. When in doubt, check the Merriam-Webster dictionary for the preferred spelling of specific terms.

  • Color
  • Center
  • Canceled
  • Colour
  • Centre
  • Cancelled

Tip: it’s easy to miss Canadian spelling. Switch your laptop language settings to American English and turn spell check on. It will highlight any Canadianisms you might have missed.