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Card with the new badge aligned to the right of the card heading

When to use the New badge

The New badge should be used on features that have all of these 3 characteristics:

  • We want to drive adoption of this feature
  • It’s creating new value for merchants (not just an improved way of doing something they are already doing)
  • It’s worth distracting our merchants from their current workflow to inform them about a whole new part of Shopify


  • To signify an entirely new page in the Settings nav

Note: Using the New badge in the Settings nav to draw attention to a new feature must be reviewed and approved by UX management on a case by case basis.

Consider how the admin would look if it was cluttered with New badges or features of varying importance—overusing the badge creates unnecessary distraction and lessens its impact.

When not to use the New badge

  • Should never be used in the primary navigation menu of the Shopify admin

How long to use the New badge

New badges should have a short lifespan. The badge should disappear:

  • When the user has clicked on the interactive element it’s attached to, or
  • 5 days after they first saw it, or
  • after 3 sessions, such as landing on a page 3 times

What the New badge should look like

  • Use the informational badge variant to achieve the correct styling and color
  • the badge should be right aligned or placed to the right of text
  • the page component in Polaris already places badges to the right of headings, so following this logic adds to the consistency of [New] badge use in the admin.


A pip can be used to highlight a status or new element in a list. For example, it could be placed next to a new notification in a list of notifications. It should not be used for representing new features.