Button group

Button group displays multiple related actions stacked or in a horizontal row to help with arrangement and spacing.

Button group component examples

Use when you have multiple buttons to space them out evenly.

import {ButtonGroup, Button} from '@shopify/polaris';
import React from 'react';

function ButtonGroupDefaultExample() {
  return (
      <Button variant="primary">Save</Button>


interface ButtonGroupProps
gap?'extraTight' | 'tight' | 'loose'

Determines the space between button group items.


Styling variant for group.


Buttons will stretch/shrink to occupy the full width.


Remove top left and right border radius.


Prevent buttons in button group from wrapping to next line.


Button components.

Best practices

Button groups should:

  • Only use buttons that follow the best practices outlined in the button component
  • Group together calls to action that have a relationship
  • Be used with consideration that too many calls to action can cause merchants to be unsure of what to do next
  • Be thoughtful about how multiple buttons will look and work on small screens
  • Only be used in groups of up to six buttons if the buttons contain an icon with no text

Content guidelines

Button groups should follow the content guidelines for buttons.

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